Tribal Transformation Challenge


This time around, it’s a team effort! Connect with your tribe, stay accountable, and push each other towards becoming BOUNDLESS!

HSA and payment plans are available.

6 weeks to lose fat, gain lean muscle, enhance your recovery and sleep, and become the most boundless, highly-focused version of yourself.

By the time you finish this challenge, your mind, body, and spirit will be working in perfect unison, enabling a life filled with purpose and passion.



Now open to international participants (only U.S. & Canadian residents are eligible for grand prize winnings)








Your 6 week challenge will show you how to optimize these areas:

Week 1: Personalized Nutrition - Your Plate At The Table

Week 2: Building A Tribe That's Fit For Service

Week 3: Recovery and Immunity Hacks For Healing

Week 4: Your Community's Mental Bandwidth

Week 5: Hidden Health Disruptors

Week 6: Building Community & Connection


Space will be limited to the first 100 participants in order to maintain a close-knit community. Being surrounded by like-minded individuals is a powerful support system approach that will motivate you throughout the 6 weeks and beyond.

We have built layers of accountability measures to keep you on track and offer community support.

– Join a tribe of 10-15 people led by your coach

-Get matched with an accountability buddy

– Embrace opportunities to lead your tribe

-Connect on weekly huddles with your tribe and expert coaches

 The winning tribe gets a private Q&A session with Ben!

“I am very pleased with my results. I lost fat and was still able to work out and recover really well. I also had set a goal with my coach to set up a separate page or site for my writing which I did! I am happy to be writing again and excited to see where it takes me. It’s been a really healthy outlet for me!

Most of my joint pain is gone, I feel energized again and I am writing!!

Thank you for this opportunity! This is by far the greatest challenge I’ve ever seen as it’s more transformative!”

-Amanda S., Transformation Challenge Female Grand Prize Winner


Your challenge registration also includes all of the following support: 

Coach Consult & Ongoing Support

Meet 1-on-1 with one of Ben’s trained coaches for 60 minutes to kick off the challenge. Get your burning questions answered and start off strong with personalized recommendations. This consult is valued at $897!

Nutrition Blueprint

Personalized guidelines provided by your coach targeted at fat loss, muscle gain, or full body recomposition. Save time and create sustainable change by following the portion method – no need for tracking calories or macros to reach your goals!


Daily Fitness Programming

Feel confident knowing your exact plan for transformational results. You will receive six weeks of workout and recovery programming designed by Ben with exclusive access to the Ladder app.

Weekly Group Calls with Ben's Coaches

Our weekly “tea-time” calls will be different this round, as they will be less focused on presenting information and more on connecting with your fellow participants and coaches. There will be breakout rooms to “huddle” with your team as well as Q&A access to Ben’s expert coaches on the weekly topics. 


Stay Accountable

With the help of a leading mindset and psychology expert, our Tiny Habits Group Call will help you apply the methods needed to help you implement lasting change throughout the duration of this Challenge and beyond. This is a very profound portion of this Challenge, as we are able to truly tap into positive habit reinforcement.

Private Community Access

Engage in the Transformation community and feel the support from like-minded individuals to stay motivated along the way. Interact with Ben, post progress pictures, share stories and enjoy the benefits of connecting with others.

“My biggest improvement is how better I feel, I don’t snore when I sleep anymore, I surprised myself when I went for a run and I did not stop until I finished the run, not normal for me, but I did not take any breaks. My clothes actually fit and it’s not tight around my stomach, I always hated that. I can wear jeans now rather than elastic joggers.  I can breathe so much easier and with joy.

I have lost over 20 lbs. and weigh below 200 lbs. for the first time in over 10 years!

This is a very unique program, the whole team is very knowledgeable and supportive.  I really enjoyed the program, am very grateful for the results, and I learned a lot.  Top-notch information, not just from eating healthy and exercising, but as a whole – mental strength, creating a good environment around you, clean living, building a purposeful life.

Life-changing. Thank you. I am grateful.”

-Vitaliy K., Transformation Challenge Grand Prize Winner


The top male and female transformations selected by Ben will win the following:

  • 20-minute consult with Ben ($547 value)
  • Customized Nutrition or Fitness Plan ($997 value)
  • Ben Greenfield book bundle – including the NEW Boundless Cookbook ($175 value)
  • Kion supplement bundle ($125 value)
  • Element Health CBD bundle ($500 value)
  • Feature on Ben’s Weekly Round-up email and a social media post celebrating your transformation 
  • Free 1-year access to Ben’s nutrition coaching app ($200 value)



  • Ben’s Boundless Cookbook
  • Free 1-year access to Ben’s nutrition coaching app

To be considered for the Grand Prize you must submit before/after pictures, consistently participate in daily workouts, log food pictures, complete weekly tasks, and record your daily step tracking. 


  • Live Q&A session with Ben

Want to know more? Send a message and my coaching services team will get back to you!