Unlimited Q&A Package
Get full “walkie-talkie” style Q&A access to Ben as your health, fitness, and nutrition concierge whenever you would like. Here’s how it works: using a very simple app called “Voxer,” which is basically like a walkie-talkie app for your phone, you’ll be able to ask Ben Greenfield text or audio questions whenever you would like. He will then conveniently reply to you within 24-48 hours. This is very similar to having a live phone conversation but without the hassle or frustration of needing to schedule actual phone calls. Better still, you can play Ben’s replies back to you at 1x, 2x, 3x, or 4x speed, save and archive all his replies, text when you don’t feel like using audio or you have external background noise (e.g. at a dinner, party, concert, etc.), and much, much more.

Perfect for optimization
People who are “self-directed” and able to independently design their own training or nutrition plan using a Ben’s advice will use this service – along with occasional 30 to 60 minute higher-bandwidth phone consultations – as a more budget-friendly alternative to our VIP Coaching Program.
Training and exercise
Research-proven workout efficiency strategies and biohacks to minimize time and maximize results.
Meal and supplement recommendations based on your schedule, travel needs, biofeedback, and lab markers.
Total guidance
Total guidance on beginner and advanced biohacking and self-quantification techniques, including heart rate variability testing, pulse oximetry, cold thermogenesis, heat training, electromagnetic frequency protection, ketosis, smart drugs, adaptogens, magnetic therapy, blood and saliva testing, and anything else you need to maximize your results using science, along with lifestyle coaching from Ben to enhance your sleep, de-stressing and productivity protocols.
Recommended approach
It is highly recommended to pair this Q&A access with an initial 30 or 60 minute phone consultation with Ben so that he can get to know you better prior to launching into answering all your questions.